Saturday, May 22, 2010

Motorcycle Accident

Well, in case you haven't heard.....Andy and I were hit by a car one week ago today. We were lucky. A 16 year old girl (license for 3 months or less) was turning right onto the two-lane highway. We were in the left lane. Instead of turning right into the right lane, she decided to turn all the way into the left lane.....thus, hitting us. Her back end just nipped our front end, but enough to throw us into the guardrail and then off the bike. I (Beth) was thrown about 10 feet into the left lane......sounds bad but my helmut and armored jacket did it's job! For me, I lost my favorite pair of jeans and have a bruised, swollen and road rashed knee. Somehow Andy ended up under the bike. He has bad road rash on his right arm (since he was not wearing his armored jacket), a swollen and bruised left ankle (from the guardrail) and a few other sore spots. Like I said, we were very lucky.

Insurance was a bit of a nightmare since she's only 16, but it all turned out well (she has insurance!! Whoo hoo) and we will be getting reimbursed for all medical, messed up gear, etc.

The bike was totalled. Here are some pics.

It doesn't look that bad, but the parts that were damaged are quite pricey (and the prongs in front, which are connected to the frame - I think - were bent).

Needless to say, Andy will be getting another bike. Here's a link to the one he has his eye on. My only request was that he got a bike that was louder and brighter (in hopes that stupid people like the girl who hit us would see us better). This one also has six lights on the front which also helps. There is no doubt that he will be fully geared from now on too!

And I will be getting back on it just might take me a little longer than him. Yes, things happen and some view it as "dangerous" but remember that things happen in cars, airplanes and public transit everyday. And remember....WATCH FOR BIKERS when you're on the road!!! Look twice....or even three times, PLEASE :-)

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring!

The last time I posted, winter was just ending.....again, it's been a while. Spring is in full swing and the pollen is wicked! Since my last post, we've been here and there:

St. Patty's Day in D.C.: Click here to see pics

Winery in Aldie (where we found a new favorite!), Painting at home with Buddy's help, and a new favorite sleeping spot for Bud: Click here to see the pics.

In other news, Andy is well on his way to get his Doctorate! He's in his second quarter and doing great. I'm on business travel over the next couple of months. This month I'll be in Salt Lake City and Raleigh for green building conferences and in July I'm going to Nashville conference.

Other than that, we've been enjoying our down time on the bike. We found a new route along the river where traffic doesn't exist! Check it out:
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